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Commercial roofing systems play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of a business or retail space. You must act quickly when roof repairs are needed to avoid causing additional damage to your building.
Here are some signs to look for that indicate your low slope roof may need commercial roof repairs.

Signs Your Commercial Roof Needs Repairs

Recognizing the Signs Your Commercial Roof Needs Repairs

Commercial roofs protect your assets from outside elements and keep occupants dry and comfortable. However, even the most well-maintained roofs can eventually develop issues over time. With low slope roofs - modified bitumen, single ply, TPO, coatings, SBS, APP and other flat roofs, it may not always be easy to recognize when your commercial roof has damage that needs attention. Knowing the signs that your low slope roof is not performing as it should can prevent costly and extensive damage to your building in the future. Here are some of the common things to look for:

Ponding Water

Standing water that remains on your flat roof for more than 48 hours after rain is a clear indication that your roof may have drainage issues or a low spot in your roofing system. Prolonged ponding water can cause extensive damage to your commercial roof and building. The most common damage caused by ponding water are roof leaks and structural damage. A commercial low slope roof should have a drainage system designed to direct water off and away from your roof.

Water Leaks and Stains

One of the most obvious signs that you need a roof repair is visible water leaks or stains. Look for water dripping inside your building or dark damp spots on your walls or ceiling. If you notice these issues call a professional roofer as soon as possible. Roof leaks can lead to more significant damage and costly repairs if not addressed promptly.

Cracks or Blisters

Cracks, holes, or blisters are signs that your roof’s membrane is deteriorating or has already been damaged. Blisters and bubbles are raised areas on the surface of the roof that can be caused by trapped moisture or air. Damage to the roof’s surface indicates that your commercial roof system is vulnerable to damage.

Loose or Missing Flashing

Flashing is a crucial component of your flat roof system, protecting exposed areas such as vents, pipes, and other penetrations from water intrusion. Damaged or separated flashing can lead to leaks and other issues that require immediate attention. Flashing is important for your roofing system to function properly.

Mold or Mildew

Mold and mildew growth on a low slope roof can be a sign of a moisture buildup problem. Mold growth typically means that this area of your roof is consistently collecting moisture. Mold can cause health issues for occupants and lead to costly cleanup efforts if left untreated.

Sagging or Deformation

A sagging or deformed commercial roof is a clear indication of a structural issue that requires immediate attention. This could be due to water damage, excess weight from debris, or a flaw in the roof’s design or installation.

Increased Energy Bills

A well-maintained commercial roof, such as a TPO, modified bitumen, or PVC roof, should provide adequate insulation and contribute to your building’s energy efficiency. If you notice a sudden increase in your energy bills, it may be a sign that your low slope roof is not performing as it should. A professional commercial roofing contractor can inspect your roof for any issues that may be impacting its energy efficiency and recommend the appropriate repairs.

These are just a few telltale signs that your commercial roof may require a professional roofing contractor's services. Your commercial roof should be inspected every 6 months by a professional roofing contractor to ensure the roofing system is in good condition. By inspecting your roof regularly and recognizing the signs that your commercial roof needs attention, you can address potential problems before they escalate into more costly repairs down the road. If you notice any of these warning signs, contact Corey Construction for a comprehensive roof inspection to assess the situation and recommend the appropriate course of action. Corey Construction Commercial and Multi-family Roofing has a team of experienced roofing experts that handle roof inspections, roof repairs, roof replacements and new roof installations for all types of commercial roofs. We also offer preventative maintenance packages that will ensure the longevity and integrity of your commercial roof. Contact us if we can assist you with your commercial or multi-family roofing project.

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