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Tile roofs have been around for a long time and have proven themselves as a strong and attractive roofing system. When considering installing a tile roof, there are many pros and cons to consider.

The Pros and Cons of Tile Roofs

Tile roofs are one of the oldest roofing systems and are still widely used today. They are a very popular choice for custom roofs. The most common materials used for tile roofs are concrete, clay and metal.

Concrete tiles are made from a cement mixture under intense pressure. The color is either added to the mixture before it hardens or is covered with a cement-based paint.

Clay tiles, also known as Spanish tiles, are made from baking molded clay. Clay tiles come in many colors, you probably have seen the most common color, terra-cotta. The base color of clay tiles can tell you where the tile is from. For example, Spanish material is normally more orange-terra cotta, while South American tiles have a more reddish/brown base. The heat from baking the clay bonds the color together and prevents it from fading. Some older manufacturers still use the sun to bake the clay, while others use a kiln.

Metal tiles are made from different types of metal. A metal tile roof is not the same as a standing seam metal roof system. Tile metal roofing is made of small metal tiles that look like the shape of shingles, while standing seam metal roofs are usually in the shape of long rectangular panels. Metal tiles can come in different types of metal, color, and designs.

If you are considering installing a new tile roof, you will want to learn about the pros and cons of tile roofs vs. other roof systems.

Tile Roof Pros


An important advantage of tile roofs is that they are very durable. The material can resist harsh storms, high winds, fire, and hail. This style of roofing is popular in southern regions, like Houston, that experience hot weather and tropical storms. Texas homeowners would benefit from a tile roof because the climate has hot temperatures, harsh winds, hail, and hurricanes.


Perhaps the most important advantage of tile roofing is its lifespan. In general, a cared for and well-maintained tile roof can last 50 years. The installation is important, so be careful to use a professional, licensed roofer to install your tile roof.

Curb Appeal

Tile roofs have great curb appeal because of their beauty. They also come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. Roofers can even install tiles in different patterns on your roof. Tile roofs have a distinct look that will make your home stand out.

Low Maintenance

Tile roofs do not need a lot of maintenance because of their strength. However, they do need periodic checkups to catch problems early. Tiles need to be checked for cracks created by debris and to make sure there is no buildup of fallen branches. It is important to have your roof inspected on a regular basis. Most homeowners find it's best to clean a tile roof within five years of its installation, and then every other year or every three years at most, after that.

Energy Efficient

Tile roofs are also energy efficient. Tiles have high thermal mass, allowing you to easier regulate the temperature of your home and save money from your energy bill.

Tile Roof Cons


The biggest drawback of tile roofs is that they can be expensive. Tile roofs usually cost more than traditional shingle roofs to install. It's important to keep in mind that you are paying for extra protection, extra longevity, and a unique roof.


Although they are very durable and strong, tiles can be brittle. Tiles can withstand harsh weather and they have a high fire resistance rating, but they can crack if there is severe impact from a heavy object.


Tile roofs have been around for a long time and have proven themselves as a strong and attractive roofing system. The key is to make sure your tile roof is properly installed by a trusted roofer. If you reside in Houston, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Austin, San Antonio, Atlanta, Nashville and the surrounding areas, you can count on Corey Construction residential and commercial roofing company for a professionally installed tile roof. Contact us today for a free estimate or to learn more.

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